1. Name: Chiranjit Parmar
2. Age: 74, born on 16 March 1939.
186/3 Jail Road
Mandi HP. 175 001 INDIA.
e-mail: parmarch@gmail.con
Website: www.fruitipedia.com
Blog: http://fruitipedia.blogspot.in/
4. Academic qualification: Ph.D. in Horticulture from University of Udaipur, India.
5. Major field of research: Wild, unexploited and lesser known fruit and multipurpose plants.
6. Experience:
Total experience in the profession: 46 years.
Serving corporate clients, mostly foreign companies, as CONSULTANT, in the area of : 16 years
lesser known plants – Writing books and articles on fruits and economic plants.Setting up and management of project on the domestication and cultivation of a wild growing medicinal plant for an Indo-Italian: 2 years
Pharmaceutical Company.Establishment, development and management of Fruit Research Stations as: 8 years.
Scientist In charge of each research station; research on fruitsTeaching, research and supervision of M. Sc. and Ph.D. students at universities in: India and abroad 14 years.
Horticulture extensions work in an International Agricultural Development Project: 2 years.
Research on the evaluation of germplasm of subtropical fruits as a research assistant: 4 years.
7. Number of students supervised: Ph.D., 2; M. Sc., 6.
8. Experience out of India:
Employment: a. University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq.
b. University of Liberia, Monrovia, Liberia, West Africa.
c. The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Balsgard, Kristianstad, Sweden.
Fellowship: Senior Fellowship, The Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science, Tokyo, Japan.
Countries visited: Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Bhutan, Brazil, China, Cambodia, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Egypt, France, Hong Kong,
Indonesia, Iraq, Israel, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Liberia, Maldives, Malaysia, Nepal, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sweden,
Thailand, Turkey, UAE, UK, and USA.
9. Publications:
Books: One published in 1982; second likely to go to press shortly.
Online encyclopedia on edible fruits – Launched on 16 May, 2008 on the website, www.fruitipedia.com .
This has information on 422 edible fruits from various parts of the world. Pages on new fruits are being added every week.
Research papers: 35.
Magazine/Newspaper articles: 135
Newspaper column: I regularly wrote a fortnightly column on improved farm practices from August 1982 to December 1983 in The Daily Observer, the
largest circulated newspaper of Liberia.
Cartoon strip: Publishing regularly every week since 26 September, 2010, a cartoon strip like publication “Fruit Facts” containing little known
interesting facts about various fruits in Spectrum, the Sunday supplement of The Tribune, a premier English daily of North India.
10. Awards & honours: Himachal Shree Award in 2007 and Scientist of the Year Award for 2012 in recognition for my efforts and contribution for the
promotion of wild growing fruits of Himachal Pradesh.
11. Present position held:
Editor and Coordinator, Fruitipedia, a project on compiling online encyclopedia of all the edible fruits of the world.